Get inspired

EACH DAY we learn something new. That’s a minimum of 365 lessons per year we can put into practice. Here are some of my favorites which inspire(d) me to be a better marketeer and to help your company to the next level.

Eric Ries – The Lean Startup

Think big, start small. Build – measure – learn. MVP. Pivot. Approaches to be a successful company according to Eric Ries. Some of us are scared to let customers co-create our product / service because we know better. Let’s think again!

Sue Behavioural Design

Design desired behaviour. Sounds crazy right? This is the field where psychology, atonomy and design come together. We can increase sales if we find out what is the job to be done of your product / service. Or if we change the color of the button.

Thomas Kolster – Mr Goodvertising

Once met him in a bar in Amsterdam, introduced him to Bugaboo to host a fenomanal session on being a true sustainable brand and never stopped following him. Recommend!

Vern Harnish – Scaling up

Marketing is an important pillar for your company’s growth, but obviously it does not stand alone. Want to grow to scale-up and further? Vern Harnish guides you through it.

Marketing Week

Often you see companies focussing on the short term marketing; filling the pipeline today. Marketing week explains the importance of the long and the short and many more.

Simon Kucher

A highly skilled company which introduced me to the world of pricing. And trust me; there is a lot (lot) to to learn about pricing. Reading tip: the book of two members of Simon Kucher: Monetinzing Innovation.

Das Buro

Finding an agency that understands you well and delivers amazing quality is like finding the right hairdresser. Once you found him, you will never let him go. Whenever I can, I will work with the smart brains and talented hands of Das Buro.

Fast Company

For a slightly higher entertainment level I follow Fast Company. Not only for the (very diverse) ‘what’ of their content but also the ‘how’.


The Harvard Business Review. Their many in-depth articles always teach you something new. Often I think: I should have read this earlier..

(ex-) Colleagues

I have worked with so many inspiring people. All the lessons learned from them, listening and questioning, are priceless! Luckily, this will never stop.

The Milky Way of marketing

TELLING PEOPLE I’m a marketeer is sometimes sufficient. Sometimes, people may ask “What does as a marketeer do?” Sometimes, I answer “It is advertising.” and sometimes that answer is sufficient.

30 years ago, that answer would have been sufficient 10 out of 10 times, but today marketing is not just one job anymore. It is a Milky Way; shattered into many sparkling specialisms, hard to wrap your head around but when you see it all together it is a beautiful thing that makes you smile.

I have my favorites stars in marketing; damn good strategies, finger licking branding, refined neuromarketing, a smashing customer journey, surprising copy and honestly – a lot more. My aim is always to make a jaw-dropping galaxy. And therefore, I make sure I get inspired by the best.

There is more for you to read

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