Brand foundation
These 4 questions are your brand foundation EVERY PERSON in your company should be able to answer these questions and they should all answer the same. Please, if that’s not the case, make some time to clarify this for now and forever. You’ll have a strong foundation to build your empire upon. I promise it…
Neuromarketing is the answer
Neuromarketing is the answer WHEN YOU think: ‘how to grow my company?’, neuromarketing is the answer. Why? Because neuromarketing teaches you this: Neuromarketing influences the intuitive, automatic and unconscious part of the brain, which is also known as ‘System 1’ (Daniel Kahneman’s fast and slow theory). This part of the brain is very efficient; we…
The value of partnerships
The value of partnerships IF YOU sell your product or services B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (business to business) don’t stop reading.. Have you ever thought about B2B2C (business to business to consumer) or B2B2B (business to business to business)? Let’s discuss the value of marketing partnerships. Strategic marketing partnerships can be an effective…
Find your ikigai
Find your ikigai IKIGAY IS a Japanese concept to find harmony in your life. It can also be used as a tool to focus activities in your company. It’s something that can exist next to your vision and mission. Ikigay is the sweet spot of 4 elements: 1. what you love to do2. what you…